
ACTA Chair and Vice Chair Election Information

Nomination Process

Nominations for the position of ACTA Chair and Vice Chair shall be accepted from all interested parties provided the nomination is accompanied by: 1) information detailing the nominee’s applicable experience; and 2) written support from the nominee’s employer.

Selection Process

The ACTA Chair and Vice Chair will be elected by a simple majority of Voting Members, with each company having one vote. For elections held during meetings, the election is by a simple majority of those present at the time of election. For elections held via electronic balloting, the election is by a simple majority of those casting votes. If there is one candidate, the election shall be by acclamation. For purposes of determining the simple majority, abstentions or invalid ballots are not counted. If there are multiple candidates and no one candidate receives a simple majority on the first ballot, a second ballot is held between the top two vote-receiving candidates.

Term of Office

The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected to serve a two (2) year term or until a successor is elected. In the event that the Chair or Vice Chair for any reason loses the support of his employer, the term of office will immediately expire and procedures for Chair or Vice Chair vacancy will be implemented (see Section 3.3.5). An individual shall be limited to serving two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms, unless there is no interest from another individual in which case an individual may serve more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms.

Contact Information

For administrative matters contact, acta@atis.org